Join Our Exclusive Webinars for Brokers and Shippers

Carrier Assure hosts the industry's leading webinars, bringing together representatives from the largest brokers and major shippers. Our format ensures a safe space for open discussion (free from scammers!) as we tackle critical transportation issues. 

Membership is vetted to ensure the highest quality sessions.

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Upcoming Webinars

August 6, 2024

How Shippers Can Vet Brokers & Their Insurance.

For Shippers

Equip your team with strategies to vet brokers and reduce issues like cargo theft, double brokering, and claims processing. Key topics include:

  • Essential RFP/RFI questions to ask brokers.
  • Resources available to thoroughly vet a broker's qualifications.
  • Red flags to watch out for when evaluating a broker and exploring potential insurance gaps
August 8, 2024

Avoiding Coverage Gaps in Carrier Insurance Policies

For Shippers & Brokers

Shippers and Brokers can explore the different types of US-based over-the-road carrier insurance policies. The webinar covers:

  • Methods to validate and monitor carrier insurance coverage.
  • Common gaps in coverage 
  • Critical exclusions to consider for food and high-value goods.
August 22, 2024

What To Do When Leadership & Compliance Collide

For Shippers & Brokers

There are times at every company when leadership makes a decision that goes against a compliance manager’s recommendation. This webinar will cover strategies for navigating these types of situations. You’ll explore:

  • Real-world examples of leadership-compliance clashes and potential solutions.
  • Techniques to advocate for risk mitigation when priorities differ.
  • Steps to minimize risk when compliance decisions are overruled.
  • Activating and deactivating authority within the TMS.
August 29, 2024

Unmasking Carrier Scams: Be Your Own Detective!

For Shippers & Brokers

Carrier associations can be a valuable tool for vetting carriers, but are you sure the association you're looking at is legitimate? Learn how to:

  • Identify the red flags associated with double brokering quickly
  • Ask questions like a true detective to uncover fraudulent activity
  • Recognize the difference between an association and a third-party authority management company.

Fill in the information below to get started.

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Results Reported By Case Studies

Discover our Key Performance Statistics

Double Brokering Reduction at Integrity Express

Overall Claims Reduction at
Circle Logistics

Cut Down on Suspicious Carriers at
Ryan Transportation

Sethmar Transportation eliminated fraud and theft by 100%

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